Monday, December 05, 2005

.:True love:.

Truly this heart loves You
Truly this person yearns for You

Why then
is my love still astray,
why then,
does my longing go unrequited?

Thus so,
even if I were to present to you
the jewels of the seven seas,
thus so,
even if I were to nurture this feeling
with Your gracious bounty of the seven skies
yet my love will never come
yet my longings will remain unanswered
for as long as I do not hope
and beseech Thee for Your Mercy
For as long as I do not shed these tears
and beg for Your sympathy.

Ya Allah, please grant me Your love,
and accept my yearning heart
so that I may know
my gratitude is only
to You.


Boss Stewie said...

Ahhh Ahmad the part time poet...


Ahmad said...

yup.. it's a slow period.. :P