Monday, November 21, 2005

"Impractically yours, you know?"

Impractically yours,
for there is no happiness
no lingering smile
without your voice
I awake to a brighter day
a gladdened heart,
a lighter soul,
were you to sigh
as we talked through the night
till the morning light.

Impractically yours,
for thoughts of you dominate my mind,
intransigently persisting
never remitting
holding dominion
over all and sundry
as complete as the rule of Rome
as overwhelming as Napoleon's battlecry
"Viva la revolucion!"
and all that jazz..

Impractically yours,
for the world separates us
with oceans and continents,
but I feel you near me,
when you infectiously giggle
at every little thing I say.

What I really meant to say
is that
I M practically yours, damn it.


Fara said...

you lucky dawg.

it's the grandest feeling, isn't it?

Boss Stewie said...

wait wait....
when u said.. "she said yes"... is it yes to be ur gf or yes to be ur wife har Ahmad?
