Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I'm feeling rather sluggish (if perchance one glances at the title and ponders the lack of ability to come up with a suitable word, this fact will become very much apparent), and not totally up for the challenge of updating this blog. However, I shall persevere.

In any case, I really need someone to help me out with the html coding. Somehow, the page looks different in IE compared to Firefox. It looks neater and much more legible in IE, but I personally don't use IE and I know some others who don't. So some help with optimising the page for both types of user would be great.

Umm.. hello? Anybody listening? Oh right. Forgot hardly anybody reads my blog. With the exception of Ms. (soon to be Mrs.) Nik Hanim of course. Now, Hanim, put that crowbar down. Really. Use this soft blue pillow instead.

Ermm.. on the other hand...*

I seriously regret taking up American Constitutional Law as my final semester elective. It's doing my head in. The amount of reading is bad enough, but my total lack of familiarity with American history is rather embarassing. I am often irritated by the tendency of American jurists and legislators to appeal to vague and woolly principles, such as those concerning liberty, as espoused by John Locke and Thomas Payne, and the republican ideology and the checks and balances system of separation of power, as argued by Plato in "The Republic". I am also irritated by the Supreme Court's tendency to sway from one political spectrum to the other, from Marshall CJ's bold statement of federal supremacy in Marbury v Madison, to Taney CJ's lame attempt to defend the institution of slavery by reference to state sovereignty arguments (this being due to his inherently racist upbringing, one might argue) in Dred Scott v Sandford, a case which accelerated the course towards the American Civil War.

Hey. I DO know something about the topic. Neat-o.

*(for anyone without the arcane knowledge of the 'blue-pillow mystery', please consult Ms. Yazmin. I'm sure she'd be happy to fill you in.)

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