Friday, June 11, 2004

My Indie Project

Talked to a friend a couple of days back. He's doing something along the movie-making lines lah, and he's actually freelancing at a post-production house in Wangsa Maju. He asked me about whether I was interested in making an indie movie. At the time the whole idea seemed nonsensical to me, but now when I've thought about it a little, it seems like a good idea. After all, I was always the one complaining about the comparative lack of outlets for my oh-so-great creative side. ;P

So I've thought about a couple of things that might be interesting. At this point, I've come up with two themes, one uplifting and the other depressing but revelatory (I think). The first deals with the question of whether it's better to dream and risk it not being fulfilled or not to expect anything at all and to be content with what we have, explored through the medium of a boy's mind growing up in the kampung of the 70's and his relentless exploits to win the love of a much older girl named (at this point) Jamilah. I won't bother to deal with the second one at this point,it's not as well developed. Tell me what you think.

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