Friday, April 22, 2005

The Space Between

This is an old song, by Dave Matthews Band but somehow I've always associated Nim with it. Never thought much about it, but tonight I think this line is the one that sticks in my head:

"The space between, the tears we cry, is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more".

I miss her. Terribly. The way she becomes a mad when I don't honk at a person cutting in front of my car, the way she complains that I take too much sugar with my tea, the way she takes her time to park the car (back in the days when she wasn't such a great driver, ya know. She's a great driver now, man. Honest!). But mostly, I just miss the way she smiles whenever I come along. Sometimes I don't know whether I tell her that enough.

Ahh. I have to snap out of this nostalgic, romantic spell. Right now I'm supposed to be reading, understanding and memorising the chain of events that began from the Constitutional settlement concerning the issue of slavery in the newly-formed United States in 1787 to the eventual secession of the Southern States and the forming of the Confederacy as a direct response to Abraham Lincoln's victory in the Presidential elections as a Republican, a party formed with a specific anti-slavery platform. I'm also supposed to understand and interpret the various Supreme Court decisions dealing with the issue of slavery, such as Prigg v Pennsylvania and ultimately of course Dred Scott v Sanford (the case which arguably accelerated the advent of the Civil War), and to understand the complex relations between slavery and the federal/state relationship.

Sorry. Got carried away with my US Constitutional Law musings there. If you're expecting anything funny (which usually comes right about this time in my blog entries), sorry.. I'm fresh out. I'm too tired to put out tonight, dear readers.


That just didn't come out right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
