Saturday, January 08, 2005


"Hey there sports fans! How's your day? Good? Excellent! Well, mine's so-so. My computer just tried to kill me with its beeps. But hey! It's all good!"

Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd see. Or type for that matter. However, my computer IS trying to kill me with its incessant "BEEP!... BEEP!... BEEP!". It started this morning when I woke up facing the dreaded blue screen of death and destruction, and now the frigging thing won't start, but it WILL beep me to death. Typical. I'm sure Bill Gates is just the devil trying to walk on Earth incognito. But I'm on to you, Billy-boy. I'm on to you. One day you'll be walking calmly down that Microsoft Way of yours and then BAM! All you'll see then through the shearing pain down your shattered pelvis is the back of my Porsche 911T cruising off into the sunset with what seems to be the broken remains of your glasses. And the prescriptions for those glasses. Hell, I might as well take your eyeballs for that matter.

Okay, enough with the casual swearing and the macabre dreams of revenge. What matters is that I managed to salvage my courseworks and dissertation stuff so I'm safe in that area. What pisses me off however, is that I think my mobo is fried, and that means I have to get a new mobo, and probably a new processor. But that means I might as well get a new PC. And that means more money. And you, dear fans, you of all people should know that there are only three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and my overwhelming lack of the moolah.

And you know what? At least I can try and cheat the first two.

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