Wednesday, December 08, 2004


It is really, really, really annoying when I have no money. Unfortunately that tends to happen quite, quite, quite often. As a result I am often so, so, so, so bloody annoyed. Which is why most people find me so, so, so weird at times.

As you can probably see I am feeling pretty bored. I have sat in front of this bloody computer thinking abt how the heck am I going to end this bloody essay on the effect of Salomon v Salomon Ltd on the principle of incoporation of public comp yadayadayadayada.. (this actually goes on for about another half an hour... come back later)

(half an hour later)

This weekend I shall be doing something I have never ever ever ever done (my life is repetitive, I get it). I'll be supporting the *Bleep!*-ing Gunners against Chelsea. Well, it IS the lesser of two evils.

Is it just me or does Jose Mourinho look like an older version of Tim Cahill?

Ooh... Apai has got a new flat screen monitor. That'll keep him happy for the next, oh, say 25 seconds or so.


Kicking ass and taking no prisoners,

Mayomyth @ Silverfeck @ Ahmad (what a letdown)

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